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Contact Rodeo Video

If you have any questions about our company, products, online ordering, contact information, etc, please fill out and submit the comment box below. It will be emailed to our customer support department and you will get a reply back by email.
Or you can:

Call: 1-800-331-1269

Mail: Rodeo Video, Inc.
412 S. Main
Snowflake, AZ 85937
Fax: 1-928-536-7120


Business hours are 10am-3pm AZ Mountain Time, Monday through Friday.

Our answering service will be able to take your orders after hours and on weekends but will not be able to answer your questions.

If you would like to pay with a money order, you may mail it into us at:
Rodeo Video, Inc.
412 S. Main St.
Snowflake, AZ 85937
Please include $9 S&H, or please call us.

We also accept Venmo! Please call in your order (928) 536-7111 to pay with Venmo

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